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SSH and PuTTY – Connection to Linux VPS / Dedicated Server


Bahasa Indonesia : http://www.web-tutorial.net/id/ssh-dan-putty/

Once you rent a VPS / dedicated server from the provider, the first step to do is to be able to connect to a VPS / Dedicated server. Without it, you can not continue to other steps.
Connection to VPS or dedicated server with Linux OS, usually can be done using SSH. The data provided from the provider usually is as follows

  • IP addresses, for example
  • Username, usually root
  • Passwords, for example admin123

For your information, Linux server only uses text, unlike Windows or Linux desktop that uses graphics (GUI). This is to reduce RAM used by the program, because usually GUI is not needed at server.

Connection from Linux

If you use Linux Desktop in your local computer, enter the Terminal first. In Ubuntu 12 using Xubuntu Desktop, Terminal can be accessed via the menu System Tools > Terminal.


You’ll see Terminal like this:


Meanwhile, if you use Linux Server in you local computer, you instantly will get black screen like that.

To connect from Linux to Linux server, can be done by using ssh command. Type the following command:

$ ssh IP_server


$ ssh

You will get the following result:

The authenticity of host ' (' can not be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is ab: bd: ef: 12: 34: 56: 78: 90: a1: b2: c3: d4: e5: f6: 13: 24.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes / no)?

Type yes to approve. You’ll see:

Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@'s password:

Enter the password from the provider. For you information, when you typing the password, Linux will not shown it.

If the password is true, it would appear as follows

Welcome to Ubuntu 12:04 LTS (GNU / Linux 3.2.0-24-virtual i686)

* Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/
No mail.

You’ve successfully connected to the server.

By using the ssh command IP_server, it will automatically use the username root. To use a username other than root (of course, after making the first username), use the command:

$ ssh username@IP_server


$ ssh lucky@

Connections from the Windows

To connect from Windows, additional software is required. Usually we use PuTTY which can be downloaded from http://www.putty.org or http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html

Scroll downd and find the download for PuTTY for Intel x86 (the filename is putty.exe), and donwload it. PuTTY only use one file, putty.exe. For documentation and others, please check the menu at very top of the URL above. Put putty.exe in a location that is easily accessible. For example, in C:\software.

Run putty.exe, the display will look like the following:


On Host Name (or IP address) input, enter the IP address of the VPS / dedicated server. At port, let it be 22, because 22 is the standard SSH port number, unless the provider gives you specific port number. Then press Enter or click the Open button.

You will get :

login as:

Fill in the username provided by the provider (usually root). Then you’ll see:

root@'s password: is your IP, depends on the provider. Enter the password. For your information, when you log in, Linux did not display the password as you type.

If the user and password were true, you’ll see similar like this:

Welcome to Ubuntu 12:04 LTS (GNU / Linux 3.2.0-24-virtual i686)

* Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/
No mail.

You’ve successfully connected to the server.


Two things below are not mandatories, but very useful.

1. Storing IP addresses in PuTTY

You can store the IP address of the VPS / dedicated used in PuTTY. These are the steps.

After entering IP Host Name (or IP address), do not immediately press Enter. But in the Saved Sessions input, enter a name that is easy to remember, and then press the Save button. The name will be entered in the data list, and can be selected in the future. So you do not need to memorize IP. See the example below.


2. Keeping the connection for long time

When using SSH, usually if there is no interaction between the local computer to the server for long time, then the connection will be disconnected. The length of time depends on the server settings. To avoid being disconnected if PuTTY connection is not used in a long time (such as when I’m typing this article, I left PuTTY maybe 30-60 minutes), do the following:


  • In the PuTTY menu at the left, select Connection.
  • In the Sending null packets to keep session active – Seconds between keepalives (0 to turn off) input box, enter a value in seconds. I usually enter a value of 300, which means 5 minutes. So, every 5 minutes there will be a signal sent from the local computer to the server, so the connection were not interrupted.
  • In the PuTTY menu to the left, select Session. The display will return to the screen when first time you opened PuTTY. Save these settings which already stated at number 1. Actually, you can still continue without save it, but if you want to connect later, the ‘session alive’ will back to 0.

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